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Varsity Boys Basketball

Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School

Mullen High School
Cherry Creek High School

Other Match Event

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Regis Jesuit High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Thunder Ridge High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Fossil Ridge High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Grandview High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Regis Jesuit High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Rock Canyon High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Fairview High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Rock Canyon High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Away vs. Cherry Creek High School
Grandview High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Away vs. Cherry Creek High School
Erie High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Away vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen vs Mead
San Marcos High School - Santa Barbara vs. Mullen High School
Santa Barbara High School vs. Mullen High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Golden High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Green Mountain High School
Mullen High School vs. Conifer High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
Mullen High School vs. Cherry Creek High School
The Classical Academy vs. Mullen High School
The Classical Academy vs. Mullen High School