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Varsity Boys Basketball

Brinkley High School vs. Lee High School

Lee High School
Brinkley High School

Other Match Event

Brinkley High School vs. Wynne High School
Away vs. Brinkley High School
Palestine-Wheatley High School vs. Brinkley High School
Brinkley High School vs. Augusta High School
Brinkley High School vs. Augusta High School
Brinkley High School vs. Dermott High School
Brinkley High School vs. Dermott High School
Brinkley High School vs. Lee High School
Brinkley High School vs. Arkansas School For The Deaf
Brinkley High School vs. Clarendon High School
City University School of Liberal Arts vs. Brinkley High School
Brinkley High School vs. England High School
Brinkley High School vs. England High School
Brinkley High School vs. Marvell High School
Brinkley High School vs. Away
Away vs. Brinkley High School
Brinkley High School vs. Away
Brinkley High School vs. Away
Brinkley High School vs. Des Arc High School
Brinkley High School vs. Des Arc High School
Marvell High School vs. Lee High School
Lee High School vs. Blytheville High School
Lee High School vs. Away
West Helena Central High School vs. Lee High School
Lee High School vs. Carlisle High School
Lee High School vs. Carlisle High School
Palestine-Wheatley High School vs. Lee High School
Palestine-Wheatley High School vs. Lee High School
Lee High School vs. Des Arc High School
Lee High School vs. Des Arc High School
Brinkley High School vs. Lee High School
Lee High School vs. Earle High School
Lee High School vs. Barton High School
Lee High School vs. Barton High School
Lee High School vs. England High School
Lee High School vs. England High School
Palestine-Wheatley High School vs. Lee High School
Lee High School vs. Palestine-Wheatley High School
Lee High School vs. McCrory High School
McCrory High School vs. Lee High School