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Varsity Boys Lacrosse

Away vs. Riverside High School

Riverside High School

Other Match Event

Riverside High School vs. East Chapel Hill High School
Riverside High School vs. East Chapel Hill High School
Riverside High School vs. Chapel Hill High School
Riverside High School vs. Northern Durham High School
Riverside High School vs. Northern Durham High School
Riverside High School vs. Northern Durham High School
Riverside High School vs. Cedar Ridge High School
Riverside High School vs. Cedar Ridge High School
Voyager Academy vs. Riverside High School
Southern School of Energy and Sustainability vs. Riverside High School
Saint Mary's School vs. Riverside High School
Southeast Guilford High School vs. Riverside High School
Sanderson High School vs. Riverside High School
Sanderson High School vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Riverside High School
Seaforth High School vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Riverside High School
Away vs. Franklin High School
Away vs. New Paltz Senior High School
Away vs. South Lancaster Academy
Drumright High School vs. Away
Away vs. The Neighborhood Academy
Drumright High School vs. Away
Away vs. Winston-Salem Prep Academy High School
Away vs. Harrisburg Academy
Pike County Central High School vs. Betsy Layne High School
Away vs. Allegany High School
Away vs. The Ranney School
Away vs. Academy for College & Career Exploration
Boston Green Academy vs. Minuteman High School
Away vs. Episcopal School of Jacksonville
Away vs. Saint Peter's Prep
Away vs. Montverde Academy
Away vs. Mapletown High School
Away vs. Oil City High School
Away vs. River Dell High School
Away vs. Susquenita High School