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Junior Varsity Boys Basketball

John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary

John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary

Other Match Event

Monsignor McClancy High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Monsignor McClancy High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Away
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Holy Cross High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Away
Away vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Away vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Away
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Sacred Heart High School
Sacred Heart High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Away vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Away
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Cardinal Spellman High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Cardinal Spellman High School
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. All Hallows High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. All Hallows High School
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. Regis High School
Monsignor McClancy High School vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
St. John's Preparatory School vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Away vs. Holy Cross High School
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Holy Cross High School
Saint Joseph Hill Academy vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Sacred Heart High School vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
Sacred Heart High School vs. John F. Kennedy Catholic High School
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School vs. Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary